Under Tall Trees

Onder Hoge Bomen

(Super8, digital, black/white, color, sound)

“The eeriness of this lonely island, set among a million willows, swept by a hurricane, and surrounded by hurrying deep waters, touched us both, I fancy. Untrodden by man, almost unknown to man, it lay there beneath the moon, remote from human influence, on the frontier of another world, an alien world, a world tenanted by willows only and the souls of willows. And we, in our rashness, had dared to invade it, even to make use of it!” 

~ Algernon Blackwood, The Willows, 1907

Under Tall Trees is a film which is based on the short ghost story The Willows from 1907.

// dutch //

Onder Hoge Bomen is een film die is gebaseerd op het korte verhaal The Willows uit 1907. 


Watch the first reel here